"Trying to follow and leave traces of Jesus" 



This project is designed only in Spanish and Portuguese, focused mainly for the Latin American context.

It is an awareness workshop on the importance of resources, mainly financial, for the realization of missionary projects, as well as for the work of the Church in general.

Regarding our mission as a family, it is found under the "teaching" area.

The resources

With which biblically healthy variants is a ministry and the mission entrusted to the Church supported?

This missionary workshop has been meditated and worked on for some years now, to try to be useful in raising awareness in the churches that require it, about the importance of working on this specific theme of the Bible.

Focused especially for leaders, pastors, missionaries or simply mature Christians in the faith,who are in charge, or who pretend to be in charge of a project or ministry and are faced with the hard reality of the lack of resources to carry out the work entrusted to them.

In the more than 15 years of ministry outside our native country, Argentina, we have had hundreds of conversations with young people, adults and elders, theology students, leaders, pastors, missionaries who, when talking about their projects and missions, We noticed a common factor among many of them and it was that the lack of resources had prevented them from carrying out their ministries well or had stifled projects for which they understood that the Lord had called them.

In this context, a couple of questions arise emphatically:

The God who created the heavens and the earth, does He not dispose of resources to sustain the work that He entrusts to us?

Is there something in our ministerial gear that is hindering the birth and healthy development of our mission in this area?

When we study these questions in depth and this whole subject in itself, in the light of the Word, we find that God definitely does not have lack of resources for the works that He entrusts to us. 

...go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours." (Matthew 17:27)

Also that they are not only one or two possible spiritual and technical causes that hinder our work as a church in this area. Rather, it is complex, like the "gears" of a machine, which needs to be well coordinated in order to function correctly. Several failures, big and small, at different points, can be the cause of the whole machinery stopping. Or just a small failure.



- The general mission of the Church and the specific mission of each Christian.


- Who sustains missions and how does it happen? Beyond the unshakable principle of faith.

- With what variants, with healthy biblical foundations, is a local, regional and/or international ministry sustained?

- The simple but fundamental technical details that can stop much of the Church's functioning in this area.

- How and where do I begin to look for resources for my specific missionary project or for the projects of my local Church?

- "Egos and Alms." Among other corrosive defects of leaders, pastors and missionaries, regarding this subject.

- "Arrogance and ignorance". Among other corrosive defects of the Church in general, regarding this subject.

- The serious consequences for the Church, of a bad biblical teaching, regarding this subject.

IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION! This workshop is not developed on the basis of a "financial business psychology", or an "earthly gospel" based on economic prosperity here on earth. Rather, it is done with new-testament biblical zeal and care. We understand and are careful of the uniqueness and sensitivities of this subject matter in the churches and beyond.

Neither is it made by ministers, who never had financial needs for their mission, but on the contrary, many times in our ministerial walk, we also had different types of needs in this area and we were faced with the task of having to answer with sincerity the questions formulated above and to look for the fault in the gear of our missionary machinery. 

We thank you for your prayers for this work!

Workshop given for the moment only in presential form for churches or biblical institutes that require it.

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