"Trying to follow and leave traces of Jesus"

Archives Brazil Northeast

Photos and information from the year 2024.

Last traces 2024


CIID Argentina 2024

"Inter-American Conference of the Churches of God"

From October 2 to 5 of this year, we had the opportunity to participate in the CIID, "Inter-American Conference of the Churches of God", which was held in the city of Jardin America, Misiones, Argentina. A city and church of our origins in Argentina.

There we were also able to contribute with our small grain of sand in part of the organization of this beautiful event. Especially Melodie, who with her natural talent and her hard work in the improvement in the area of languages, had the privilege of contributing with graceful translations into Portuguese of some of the sermons that were in Spanish.

Our congratulations to the board of directors of the CIID, as well as to the local organizers for all the work of this blessed event, where there were many teachings, life stories, fellowship, good food, international contact and services blessed by the Lord in abundance.

Also, according to what we were informed, it was the CIID with the record of representation of countries in its history (17 countries represented). We also had a record number of official delegates representing the different countries. Praise God for that!

The next CIID will be held in two years in the country of Guatemala. We pray for Guatemala!!!!

We also pray for all the Churches of God in every corner of our beloved Latin America, may the Lord guide each one of his servants and children wherever they are.


Last traces 2024



It was a little more than four weeks of travel in the last month of October in our home country, Argentina. On this trip, besides participating in the CIID, we also spent time visiting family, friends and churches.

The three of us, Melodie, Emily and I, are very thankful to have been able to make this trip during this time in our country and the surrounding area.

In the churches, we were able to contribute the word in some services and events in the region. We are grateful for the invitation and consideration to the churches of God of Jardín América, Dos de Mayo and Timbocito, in Argentina. We also thank the Church of God of Santa Teresinha, in Brazil.

From Argentina, we also thank the Church of God of Ñupora and the Daniel Warner Theological Institute that opened their doors to share with them, but due to lack of time we could not be there this time.

We also had the privilege of visiting the church of God in Encarnación, Paraguay. Many thanks to Pastor Dani and his family for the invitation, as well as to all the team that received us there in a very kind way, it was a pleasure to know the work they are doing there.

Grateful for those intense weeks in the whole region, we wish you all God's blessings!!!!

Last traces 2024



We thank part of the Church of God of Serrinha and guests who accompanied us in this action of presentation of our evangelistic art in a home service held in our current atelier.

Moment of worship and learning, to serve and worship our God with all our spiritual gifts, natural talents and acquired knowledge.

The LORD is worthy that we invest in HIM all that we are, we have and we know!!!!

Last traces 2024



"Ceara-Mirim" - "São Sebastião" - "Pirangi" - "Nova Olinda I" - "Nova Olinda II" - "Parnamirim" - "Maxaranguape"

We are very grateful to be completing one of our missionary objectives for this year, to visit, know and collaborate a little with all the Churches of God in the Northeast region of Brazil.

In these last months we had the privilege of knowing the Churches in the settlements and cities of: Ceara-Mirim, São Sebatião, Pirangi, Nova Olinda I, Nova Olinda II, Parnamirim and Maxaranguape. Places led by the pastoral couples: "Willam e Jacksandra" - "Junior e Rita" - "Renê e Poliana" - "Clênio e Erivania".

(We only had to visit the Church of Boa Vista, which is already scheduled for the month of November. And the new Church of Teresina/Piauí, adhered to the Church of God some years ago, which we also had the privilege of visiting, but not at the end of the week).

About them we will also add information here in this report, when we get to visit them, God willing.

It is a pleasure for us to have met so many brothers from the Churches of God in the region, a very hard working Church seeking to follow in the footsteps of Christ, brothers who at all times made us feel at home.

Also showing an enormous respect and ministerial consideration towards us and our supporters, all of them inviting us and giving us space for our missionary presentations and to minister the Word in their services and events; in the weekends that we were with them. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts, on behalf of all our supporters from the Churches of God and our missionary organization, the Kontaktmission.

It was also a great blessing for us to listen to them and to learn from the brothers and sisters of the region about their experiences, their feelings and their knowledge about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Repeating what we wrote in the previous report: "In all the churches and congregations were unique and special times of fellowship, prayer, study of the word and mutual learning in general. Getting to know the feeling of the Church in each place, with its victories and difficulties, in each of its different works, dreams and projects."

Simply very grateful!

May the Lord Jesus, who is faithful and never abandons his own, be the one who continues to accompany them in their struggles, guiding and blessing his Church in the Northeast of Brazil, many valuable lives rescued by his blood. Glory to God for that!

United in Jesus, Patzer Family.

Missionaries of the Kontaktmission of Germany.
Members of the Church of God from Argentina, Germany and Brazil.

Last traces 2024



"Bom Jesus" - "Zona norte-Natal" - "Esperança-Natal" - "33 years Serrinha"

We continue to visit and get to know the different "Churches of God" here in the Northeast region of Brazil.

In the last few months, we were able to meet and share services and actions in the congregations and churches of: "Zona Norte - Natal", "Cidade Esperanza - Natal" and "Bom Jesus". We also had the privilege and honour of sharing and ministering at the 33rd anniversary of the Church of God here in Serrinha.

In all the churches and congregations these were unique and special times of fellowship, prayer, study of the word and learning from each other in general. We got to know the feeling of the Church in each place, with its victories and difficulties, in each of its different works, dreams and projects.

They all honoured us with the invitation to share the Word in their services, on the weekends that we were with them. We feel very honoured and thank them for their affection for all the Churches of God in this region of Brazil.

In the coming months we want, God willing, to continue visiting and sharing with the other Churches of God in the region that we have yet to meet.

Thank you for your prayers!!!!

United in Jesus, Family Patzer.

Missionaries of the Kontaktmission of Germany.
Members of the Church of God in Argentina, Germany and Brazil.

Last traces 2024



We feel and pray for the people of Rio Grande do Sul!!!!

We pray for those affected by the tragic floods in Rio Grande do Sul, here in Brazil. The biggest catastrophe of that state in its history and one of the biggest catastrophes in Brazil in general.

Our hearts go out to all the "Gaucho" people in these moments of so much pain and sadness.

We also accompany in prayer and spirit all the people of God in that region, especially the "Churches of God" that are from there and that have been serving in that region for many years and also in these difficult times they are doing it with great effort.

We pray that the Lord will give them comfort and strength from above to face these times!!!!

The bank account above, from here in Brazil, is the one that the Churches of God in the region have made available so that we can collaborate with them in this delicate situation.

Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.

 Romans 12; 15 and 16.

Last traces 2024



"Jandaira" - "City of Roses"  - "Maretas" - "City of Hope"

...and some beaches : )

As well as Serrinha, we also had the privilege of visiting and getting to know, on different weekends, the Church of God of "Jandaira" (pastors Robson and Ubiraneide), as well as "Cidade das Rosas, Natal" (pastors Jefferson and Simone), which was celebrating its sixth anniversary the weekend we were there. And this last weekend we were in "Maretas" (pastors Irineu and Marta), sharing the Easter celebration.

We had days of very good communion with each of these churches. All of them honored us with the invitation to share the Word in their services during the weekends we were with them.

We also had the opportunity to get to know the Church of God of "Esperanza, Natal" (although not yet in a service). The pastors were, until our arrival, Manoel and Serli, who moved to the south of Brazil and in their place were in charge the pastors John Willam and his wife Nezia.

In the coming months we intend to continue visiting and sharing with the other Churches of God in the region, which we have yet to meet.

We are very grateful for the warm welcome we received, both in Serrinha, as well as throughout the Northeast region of Brazil, where we have passed so far!

We are also very grateful to all the Kontaktmission team and to all our supporters in Germany, who are our base church. As well as to you, wherever you are and wherever you follow our information and pray for our mission. You all make it possible for these missionary actions and projects to happen. Thank you very much!


On another issue, we had the privilege of visiting some of the beaches in the region. On one occasion, we were accompanied by a very special visitor from Germany: Lydia, who was a teenager during our time as pastors in "Neustadt an der Weinstrasse", Germany. She was visiting us for a few weeks here in the Brazilian Northeast. We are grateful for her visit and pray for her life!

United in Jesus, Patzer Family.

Missionaries of the Kontaktmission of Germany.
Members of the Church of God from Argentina, Germany and Brazil.

Last Traces 2024




It has been almost 3 months since we arrived in the town of Serrinha, Rio Grande do Norte, where the Church of God of Serrinha is located , which as previously planned, gave us a home and will be our local Church, for this first time of introduction with our missionary work in the region.

We had the privilege of sharing many moments of fellowship, worship services, Bible studies, prayer meetings, home worship services, teenagers' meetings, a family retreat, etc. In all these events, we had the privilege of ministering, as well as learning from the local brethren, who work as a team, carrying out the different activities of the Church. Currently, the church is pastored by the recently consecrated pastors, João and Maria Helena. In the previous years, they were already leading the church as presbyters, together with the entire board of directors.

We are very grateful for the support of the local brethren, who received us with much affection and from the first moment made us feel at home. As I mentioned before, it was a little less than 3 months, but because of the intensity of the experiences, it seems as if much more time had passed : )

Thanks to the whole Church of God in Serrinha!

United in Jesus, Patzer Family.

Missionaries of the Kontaktmission of Germany.
Members of the Church of God from Argentina, Germany and Brazil.

Last traces 2023



On December 10, 2023, we had the opportunity to say goodbye in the service of the Central Church of Santarém, base church in the micro-region of Santarém. This church, together with the other churches of its core: Belterra, Monte Alegre, Área Verde, Chacra Betél and Alter do Chão, gave us support at diverse moments during the last years. The last 3 years of our stay in the Amazon region, we have lived in this last city. We wish God's blessing to all of you!

It was touching for me, Sergio, to say goodbye to the atelier, (located in the recreation center Betél of the COG Santarem), where I had many moments, very inspired and blessed!

We are very grateful for the beautiful and heartfelt farewell, from the brothers of the Church of God in Alter do Chão. Tothe children, who shared countless moments of games and learning the Word with "Aunt Melodie" and who were and will continue to be part of us. With this beautiful group, a day before the move, Emily was able to celebrate her 11th birthday : )

We pray that the Lord will accompany the ministry of pastors George and Maria in this place.

We are also grateful to the group of brothers and sisters of the Baptist community of Alter do Chão, who bid us farewell with total fraternity and affection. Undoubtedly, they were and will continue to be a very important part of our mission. Still in our final days in Alter do Chão, we were able to visit and minister in one of their congregations. Thankful!!!

Very heartfelt were also the farewells of our friends and neighbors at home, especially Mrs. Maura, Mr. Zé and his grandson Victor. A dear companion of Emily's days off : )

With the logical regret of leaving behind many dear people and infinite experiences in the region, we left by ferry taking our car, loaded with suitcases and feelings, from Santarém, PA to Belém, PA. This trip took about two days. On the ferry to Belém, we were also accompanied by our compatriot and missionary Marcia Gonzales, from Argentina, who is having a missionary season of several months in the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil. It is her first long-term international missionary experience, away from her home in Argentina. We pray that the Lord will guide her every step of the way, accompany her and watch over her parents and brothers and sisters in Argentina.

Arrived in Belém we shared a pleasant moment with the pastors Alexandre and Edicleuma, from the local Church of God. And then we continued our trip as a family by car, for about 2,000 km, from Belém, Pará, to Serrinha, Rio Grande do Norte.

On the way we met the new Church in the city of Teresina, capital of the state of Piauí, adhered a few years ago to the Church of God, where we were very kindly hosted for one night by the pastors Raimundo and Ana Maria.

The trip went very well, thanks to God. For us as a family it was a very outstanding trip, in a good sense, and it will remain in our hearts.

To all the brethren, both from Germany, our home church as missionaries, as well as brethren in several parts of South America, who were accompanying us throughout the moving process, both in person and through their prayers: Thank you very much!

United in Jesus, Patzer Family.

Missionaries of the Kontaktmission of Germany.
Members of the Church of God from Argentina, Germany and Brazil.

Last Traces 2023   




It happened in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, on November 3-5, 2023, where the conference corresponding to the 100th anniversary of the Churches of God in Brazil was held.

(Due to a matter of logistics and the proximity of our move from the northern region to the northeastern region of Brazil at the end of 2023, unfortunately we were unable to participate in this event).

From both our countries of origin, of which we have documentation and citizenship, there were representatives: from Argentina, pastors Bernardo and Monica Fischer were present. And from Germany, the pastor and current president of the Churches of God in Germany, Siegfried Froese, also accompanied by a dear colleague of ours, Pastor Georg Schüle.

From what was transmitted to us by different brothers who were present and from what we could appreciate through the online transmissions, it was a conference of national and international fellowship and very blessed by the Lord in every way.

We thank God for the 100 years of existence of his Church, under this denomination, here in Brazil and we pray for the coming years, so that his Word continues to be preached, influencing and bringing people from the darkness to his light of salvation, through each brother of the COG Brazil, in every corner of this beloved country.

We are also grateful for having been able to be part, for 7% of time, of these 100 years of ministry of the Church of God in the northern region of Brazil : )

United in Jesus, Patzer Family.

Missionaries of the Kontaktmission of Germany.
Members of the Church of God from Argentina, Germany and Brazil.

Last Traces 2023 



It happened on 12.10.23, in the Urumanduba neighborhood, a locality of Santarém, on the day of fellowship and baptism of the " Brethren in Christ " Church. Church that we had the privilege of supporting in its planting, during the 2 years that we were living in that place. Until that time there was no evangelical church in that community. We give glory to God for the courage of the brethren in that place and for having been able to be part of that work.

It was a joy for us to be able to visit the community again, to see the brothers and sisters in Christ and to be able to participate in this event, before our move to the northeast region of Brazil.

In this festive meeting of the Church, there was fellowship, games, good food, words and baptisms. We thank God for the brothers and sisters who decided to follow Him!

We pray for the pastor (lay) Emauri and all his team that always seeks to prioritize the teaching of the word, above all things, to influence this community.

May God bless his church and the whole community of Urumanduba in Santarém, Pará, which will always be in our hearts!!!


United in Jesus, Melodie and Sergio Patzer.

Missionaries of the Kontaktmission of Germany.
Members of the Church of God in Argentina, Germany and Brazil.
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